Thursday, October 4, 2012

Farm Sanctuary

During the whole Chick-fil-A hoopla, I got pretty upset thinking about all the hate being thrown around against the LGBT community, and I found myself using social media to fight hard for them.  Then I started to think about the chickens, and I felt the need to do something more.  So I got on the Farm Sanctuary website and "adopted" a chicken for the year.  My daughter's birthday was coming up, so I adopted a barnyard for her as well.

They send this great little car for each animal telling you how that animal came to Farm Sanctuary, what their personality is like, and what their favorite foods are.  These cards have become some of my daughter's favorite possessions.  As I read through the animals' favorite foods, she exclaims, "PEARS?!  Just like me!"

Today I asked her what she would like to take for sharing tomorrow at school.  She said, "My turkey." She has lots of animal toys, but not a toy turkey, so I didn't know what she meant.  Then she said, "My turkey card!"  She went and got her cards and went through, looking at all her animals and showing us, until she got to the turkey.  She decided last minute to add her pig too, because he's so cute!   Then she got the pamphlet about Farm Sanctuary and put that with her cards.

That's right, without any discussion about the great turkey slaughter next month, she just decided she wanted to share about the turkey her family sponsored...

Color me amazed.

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